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South Africa : EnerGeo Alliance Partners with African Energy Week (AEW) 2024 to Push for Major Investments in Africa’s Natural Gas Sector

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LIBREVILLE, August 12 (Infosplusgabon) - In its latest policy brief, global trade association EnerGeo Alliance calls for further upstream investment in South Africa’s energy sector. The brief emphasizes the need for advanced seismic surveys and data generation to identify reserves and reduce exploration risks. It highlights the potential of South Africa’s Brulpadda-Luiperd fields, offshore prospects in the Orange Basin, and onshore shale gas in the Karoo Basin as game changers for the country's energy landscape. Additionally, the company notes that significant investment is required to fully develop South Africa’s midstream and downstream sectors to enhance gas availability and reliability.

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JEDDAH : Nominations Open for 2025 Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Prize for Impactful Achievement in Islamic Economics

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LIBREVILLE, August 12 (Infosplusgabon) - The Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) is inviting nominations for the IsDB Prize for Impactful Achievement in Islamic Economics for the year 1446H (2025).

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African Energy Chamber Welcomes Court Decision in Favor of Free Speech and Energy Development

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LIBREVILLE, July 25 (Infosplusgabon) -  The African Energy Chamber (AEC)  welcomes the decision by Judge Unterhalter to send Africa Oil Week's (AOW) defamation case against the AEC to a trial court – citing lack of merits for a summary judgment.

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ARISE IIP releases 2023 Sustainability Report “Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems”, showcasing key advancements in fostering Africa’s inclusive industrialisation

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LIBREVILLE, July 24 (Infosplusgabon) - ARISE IIP, the pan-African developer and operator of world-class industrial ecosystems, today releases its 2023 Sustainability Report themed “Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems”. This report highlights significant advancements in Arise  IIP’s commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

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South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan

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LIBREVILLE, July 18 (Infosplusgabon) - The African Development Bank Group has approved a ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan to Transnet, South Africa’s major freight transport and logistics company, for its recovery and growth plans. The 25-year loan approved by the Bank Group’s Board of Directors on Friday, 12 July 2024, is fully guaranteed by the government of South Africa. It will facilitate the first phase of the company’s ZAR 152.8 billion ($8.1 billion) five-year capital investment plan to improve its existing capacity ahead of expansion for the priority segments throughout the transport value chain.

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