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ARISE IIP releases 2023 Sustainability Report “Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems”, showcasing key advancements in fostering Africa’s inclusive industrialisation

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LIBREVILLE, July 24 (Infosplusgabon) - ARISE IIP, the pan-African developer and operator of world-class industrial ecosystems, today releases its 2023 Sustainability Report themed “Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems”. This report highlights significant advancements in Arise  IIP’s commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.


The 2023 Sustainability Report reflects ARISE IIP’s proactive approach to sustainability, ensuring transparent reporting and upholding ethical standards while collaborating with stakeholders to foster sustainable industrialisation development across Africa.

In the face of unprecedented and global environmental and social challenges, ARISE IIP continues to make meaningful progress, in line with its motto ‘‘Promoting the well-being of populations and the planet is beneficial in every way’’. Committed to industrialising African economies key sectors by creating local transformation, maximizing production and efficiency, which in turn generates high local value addition, ARISE IIP has embedded environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into its core business operations.

“Our overarching goal is to transform Africa into a leading environmentally sustainable industrial hub by developing tailored integrated industrialised parks that enhance exports and trade in a resilient and sustainable manner. We take pride in expanding our business model to encompass 11 countries across the continent, driving sustainable industrial development on a continent-wide scale. This report not only celebrates our achievements in 2023 but also outlines our ambitious future endeavors.” stated Gagan Gupta, CEO and Founder of ARISE IIP.

The ARISE IIP 2023 Sustainability Report carries performance data for the period 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023, following a one-year reporting cycle and enabling ARISE IIP to highlight its ESG initiatives addressing the growing expectations of its stakeholders.

Based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, the report provides information on the company’s key areas of focus in 2023 and on developments in key figures and objectives within the company.

Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment: Over 65+ stakeholders have participated including employees, senior management members, investors, customers, and suppliers in ARISE IIP's Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment (SEMA). This comprehensive exercise ensured that the diverse perspectives and concerns of all critical stakeholders were prioritized in shaping the company's sustainability strategy.

Actions on Climate Change:

ARISE IIP's GSEZ industrial park in Gabon achieved Africa's first carbon-neutral zone certification.

A circular economy initiative at the particle board factory converting wood waste into particle board is estimated to annually reduce 32,000 tCO2e emissions over the lifetime of the project.

Installation of a 500-kW roof-top solar plant in Chad.

LEED silver certification for Benin and Togo single window clearance buildings.

Inclusive Workplace: ARISE IIP conducts proactive training for its entire workforce and supports community engagement aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Responsible Supply Chain: ARISE IIP adopts a three-pronged approach to sustainable supply chain practices, providing advisory support to farmers and cattle rearers, implementing traceability measures, and securing certifications for sustainable production practices.

Path to Sustainable Growth: ARISE IIP engaged various departments in discussions on the Sustainability Report theme, ensuring alignment on sustainability goals. Leadership commitment to sustainability is highlighted through leadership messages showcasing initiatives and progress.

The full report is available in digital format and can be accessed via ARISE IIP’s website: 2023 ARISE IIP Sustainability Report and Global Reporting (GRI)

ARISE Integrated Industrial Platforms (ARISE IIP) is a pan-African developer and operator of world-class industrial parks committed to making Africa thrive. We identify opportunities in commercial and industrial value chains across Africa, and conceive, finance, build and operate the necessary infrastructure, playing a catalytic role in supporting countries to transition to an industrial economy. We are driven by the pursuit of green growth; our ambition is to unlock the continent’s industrial potential while neutralising our carbon emissions and climate impact. GSEZ, Arise IIP industrial park in Gabon, was ranked the world’s best special economic zone in the timber sector (2020 FDI ranking).





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